

After a wonderful day in the mountains relax in our finnish or infrared sauna in the blockhouse or in the outdoor-whirlpool (only in winter) or enjoy the indoor swimming pool in the sport centre (free entrance with guest card).




Outdoor Pool 39°C


Infrared cabine Physio Therm

The low-temperature infrared cabins from Physiotherm operate within the thermo-neutral zone (air temperature between 27 and 37 °C). At an air temperature of approx. 30 °C, infrared radiation is applied evenly and contact-free to the back via a specially developed radiator (ceramic radiator filled with lava sand). Heat is therefore applied to a limited area of 10 to 12% of the surface of the skin (ideally the back) via uninterrupted infrared radiation. The heat intensity can be adjusted to your comfort level or the heat absorption capacity of your skin. More under
